All uniform must be proper school clothing and not fashion items, which are often included in some uniform ranges. School uniform can be purchased anywhere however if you would like logoed uniform it can be obtained online at My Clothing or locally at Hawkins, The School Shop at the Old Pond (27 College Road, Cheshunt, EN8 9LS).
Second hand uniform is available from the school and will be on display outside the Breakout room approximately once a month. Donations of good quality, clean second hand uniform will be accepted by the office.
- Dark grey (charcoal) school trousers
- Dark grey (charcoal) school pinafore/skirt
- Red sweatshirt/cardigan with or without an embroidered school badge
- Plain white polo
- Plain black, grey or white socks (red trim allowed) or plain black/grey tights only.
- Reception, Nursery and Pre-School children can wear plain black leggings or joggers
- Red checked cotton dresses or red checked blouses and (matching) skirts
- Dark grey school shorts
- Plain cap or Legionnaire’s sun hat
- Appropriate black shoes or plain black trainers (no flashes)
- Practical colour, suitable for outside weather No denim jackets
P.E. Kit
- Plain black plimsolls (indoor wear)/plain black trainers for outdoor games
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain black shorts
- Reception to year 6 need plain black jogging bottoms/leggings for outdoor sports
- School or plain red jumper should be worn
- Nursery children - plain black shorts and white t-shirt (only required when Mrs Palmer advises, usually Spring Term)
Children should come to school in their PE kit on the days they are doing PE/Games and will not need their uniform.
PE Timetable Summer 2025
Please click here to go to our School Uniform page at My Clothing, where our school will earn 5% commission on sales.
Hair and Accessories
Hair must be styled in an appropriate way with no shavings or spikes. Long hair should be tied back. Hair accessories should be in the school colours, and must be sensible to avoid injury to other pupils. No nail polish to be worn.
For safety reasons the wearing of jewellery is not allowed in school, except for small stud earrings. Earrings must be removed or taped over by the pupil him/herself before swimming and P.E. lessons with their own tape.
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