

Applications for the September 2025 school year will open on 1st November 2024 for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. Applications close 15th January 2024. Please apply online via Hertfordshire County Council by clicking here.

IN YEAR APPLICATIONS - Reception to Year 6 

The school is part of the county council’s coordinated In Year admissions scheme. Our school is currently full from Reception to Year 6. Applications can be accessed via and further information can be obtained from the Customer Service Centre, 0300 123 4043. We do not offer visits to the school until a place becomes available. 


September 2025 – Applications are now open for children born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022.

All children are entitled to 15 hours free early education (15 hours FEE) from the term after their 3rd birthday. 

Session Times

a) 15 Hour morning session 8.45am - 11.45am (maximum of 20 places)

b) 15 Hour afternoon sessions 12.30pm to 3.30pm (maximum of 20 places)


We also offer 30-Hours free childcare places for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, subject to eligibility. For information on 30-hours eligibility click here.

Session Times

a) 30 Hour session 8.45am to 3.30pm (Maximum of 30 places)

Children can attend for 5 full days, the 30 hour code will cover 4 full days and one morning. A weekly £25 charge (payable monthly in advance and subject to increase) covers the additional afternoon and lunch session. Alternatively, you can collect your child at 11.45am on the same day each week. A packed lunch will need to be provided (a school lunch will not be available for nursery aged children).  If you are not eligible for a 30 hour code the same provision can be provided for £25.00 per day payable monthly in advance.

For details of how 30-hour provision is offered in our school click here.


Tours of the Nursery will be available from 15th January 2025. Please book at the link below.

Nursery 2025 - Tour Bookings 


Click here to apply for 15 Hours Nursery Place

Click here to apply for a 30 Hour Nursery Place

Applications close Friday 7th March 2025, places aim to be offered by Friday 4th April 2025 with parents/carers having one week to accept the offer.

Nursery Oversubscription Criteria


Our Nursery is currently full, however, you are welcome to join the continued interest list by completing an application from at the links below. Should a place become available it would be offered in accordance with our over subscription criteria. 

15 Hour Nursery Application for children born 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021

30 Hour Nursery Application for children born 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021

Admissions for Nursery or Pre-School places in Hertfordshire are managed by individual settings. Therefore, Flamstead End School, is its own admissions authority for Nursery and Pre-School places. Please note, a place in our Nursery or Pre-School does not guarantee a place in Reception. Admission from Reception age onwards is managed on behalf of the school by Hertfordshire County Council. 

Secondary Admissions: See all important dates

Primary Admissions: See all important dates

Parent Guidance for Appeals

Appeals Timetable 2025 

Admission Arrangements Determined 24/25

Admission Arrangements Determined 25/26

Admission Arrangements Determined 26/27