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Year 3



Please click here to view the curriculum meeting powerpoint for your class. 

Have a look at the overview below to see what we'll be learning this term. 

Coverage Autumn term 

Coverage Spring TermCoverage Summer Term

In Maths children will be assessed against criteria based upon age related expectations. Please find below the age related expectations for a child in Year 3. For more information click here.

The Year 3 Learner - Maths

The Year 3 Reader

The Year 3 Writer

Spelling Expectations: Year 3 Common Exception Words

Year 3 Blog - Summer term 2023

Welcome to our Summer term blog!

The Summer term is here and we have wasted no time in getting started on our new units of work. In our Art lesson this week we have looked at different portraits and in Geography we have discussed how we spend our recreation, leisure and work time.

In a few weeks we will be going on a local walk to Cheshunt Park and our School trip to the Lee Valley is also coming up this half term, where we will be looking at living things and their habitats. We have a lot of learning and events to look forward to!

Today we created our profile collages of King Charles to celebrate his coronation. Coronation art

Today we carried out fieldwork in our local area. We walked from school to Cheshunt Park reading our maps as we went and thinking about how we spend our time in the local area. We were very lucky with the weather!

Fieldwork cheshunt park 2

Rags brook 2

Local area fieldwork

To end our Geography unit of work we had great fun planning and designing our own parks. We had to think really hard about what we should include. 

Designing a park Designing a park 2  Park design 2Pikachu play park

Today we completed our portraits that were inspired by the work of the artist Kehinde Wiley.

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In History we have begun our work about the Tudor family. Today we sorted pictures of the family and worked out the Tudor family tree.

Sorting tudor family pictures

Year 3 sandwich making workshop. Lyn from Tesco came to school to make sandwiches with us. We each made a sandwich and they had various fillings and we used different types of bread. Once made we tasted the different sandwiches. We really enjoyed the workshop and some of us discovered that we liked new textures and flavours.

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Year 3 Blog Autumn term 2023

Welcome to the Year 3 Autumn blog!

Please click here to see our homework grid for this half term. 

It has been really lovely getting to know all the Year 3 children. We have been super impressed with how they have settled into life in KS2, learning new routines and how we do things. I'm sure that their eagerness and effort will continue as the term progresses.

The children were very interested and enthusiastic to start our new text in our English lessons about fables. We are reading War and Peas by Michael Foreman. They have enjoyed describing the two Kings in the story and are keen to find out what happens. 

War and peas 

This week the children in Year 3 have been enjoying practising their watercolour techniques in preparation for our work about JMW Turner.

Watercolour practise  Watercolour practise 2

They have also done some fabulous stained-glass homework.

Sphinx class stained glass homework

We had a great start to our half term today because we started our new History unit of work about Stone Age Britain with a visit from Charlotte who works at the Epping Forest museum. She brought with her Stone Age artefacts that were found near to our school and we were able to handle the objects that were thousands of years old!

Enquiry questionsWe thought about these questions during our workshop.  Red deer antler handlingAn antler from a red deer  Wolly mammoth toothA woolly mammoth tooth  



Year 3 Blog - Spring term 2024

Welcome to our Spring blog.

This half term we have been very busy.

In our Geography lessons we have been learning about what makes the Earth shake, rattle and roll and this week we having been finding out about how we could keep safe in an earthquake. 

We have also been learning to play the glockenspiel in our music lessons and have actually written and performed our own music.

Music 1 2 Music 1 3 Music 1 1

The children celebrated the NSPCC maths day by dressing up with a maths theme and taking part in some fun maths games. 

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We have been learning about sculpture in our art lessons and are creating our own volcano sculptures.

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On Friday 9th February, the year 3 children celebrated mental health day.

At Flamstead End, we understand and prioritise the mental well-being of our pupils. We believe that fostering a positive learning environment includes recognising the importance of individuality and self-expression. The theme this year was ‘Our Voice Matters’ and involved the children taking part in Drama and Wellbeing workshops and having a day devoted to understanding their mental wellbeing better.

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Today we painted our volcano sculptures. We thought really carefully about how to mix our volcano colours.

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We ended our Geography unit of work today by making posters to show all that we have learnt. We tried hard to put the answers to our enquiry questions on our posters.

Volcano poster 1

Volcano poster 4

Our completed Volcano sculptures. Our Volcano fields.

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We began the new half term and our new DT topic by making models of Roman chariots.

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We began our Romans in Britain history topic today by learning some new vocabulary.

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In DT we had to make a four wheeled vehicle that could carry 3 paper clips across the table.

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Today we made our Roman Chariots.

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Today was our Roman workshop. What a great way to end the term and all of our work about the Romans. 

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Year 3 Blog-Summer term 2024

This week Sphinx and Mermaid class enjoyed some sunny weather as we carried out our fieldwork in the local area. We walked to Cheshunt park, stopping at points along the way to discuss the local area and environment. We used our map reading skills along the way and looked at how different people use Cheshunt Park.

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Sphinx class enjoyed presenting their class assembly to the school and to parents! We enjoyed sharing all the things that we had learnt about in the Spring term.

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Then it was Mermaid class's turn to show what they had learnt this year covering topics such as:

The Romans

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Some pirate facts

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And even some of the parents got involved in a yoga session!

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Here are some pictures of us working on our final piece of Art. We have been looking at the work of the artist Kehinde Wiley and these are our pieces of art in the same style as his work.

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Today we began our new History topic-Inventions that changed the World. We began by making a human invention timeline.

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Today we took part in an Olympic dance workshop. Our country was Spain so we learnt to dance like Flamenco dancers.

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The year 3 children visited the Lea Valley Park to learn more about plants to supplement their current science unit.

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In Sphinx class our eco councillors planted tomato plants, a strawberry plant and some sunflowers!

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We had a great afternoon taste testing sandwiches for our DT topic.

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What a great start to our Art week. We made clay leaves in preparation for making our Green Man and we made our flower pictures form bottle tops and created map flowers. 

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Today we made our sandwiches. We used our grating, spreading and cutting skills.

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Today in maths we were right angle detectives. We hunted for them outside and in the classroom.

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Year 3 Blog - Autumn 2024

Welcome to the Year 3 Autumn term blog.

We are very proud of how the children in Sphinx and Mermaid classes have settled into life in Year 3 and KS2. We have started all of our new topics. In Art we have been learning facts about the artist JMW Turner and thinking about our nightmare school and dream school in PSHE.

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Today we enjoyed using our watercolour techniques to mix colours and continue a picture.

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Year 3 local library visits

Mermaid class and Sphinx class have had the pleasure of visiting Cheshunt library this term. The children got the opportunity to browse the extensive amount of books available at the library and were then shown how to borrow books.

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After that, the Cheshunt librarians treated the children to a story and read the opening story from the Paddington Bear series.

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The children can't wait to revisit the library!


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Today we went on a trip to the field and decided where would be the best place for us to put a tent. Once we got back to class we drew a map of our route.

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During our Geography unit on coasts, the year 3 children learned about how we must protect our coasts and wildlife by not dropping litter as it can eventually end up in our seas and rivers.

Inspired by this, Aria, Aysu and Chloe from Mermaid class decided to go out litter picking in their local area to help protect the environment.

Well done girls, keep up the great work!




Today we had a visit from Cath who brought real Stone Age artefacts in for us to look at and handle. It was a very exciting way to begin our new History topic.

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Our DT topic has been about pneumatic systems. Here are some pictures of our imaginative completed monsters that used a pneumatic system to make something move.

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Year 3 Blog-Spring term 2025

Welcome to our Spring blog!

We have been really busy in Year 3 beginning all of our new units of work and we are loving them!

Our Art unit is sculpture so we have spent the last few weeks looking at the work of famous sculptors and the work of artists who have been inspired by volcanoes. This week we began to sculpt our own volcanoes and the next step will be to paint our sculptures.

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Today we did a great job of painting our volcano sculptures, we thought carefully about the colours we could mix and use.


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Today was the start of our new History topic-Romans in Britain. Our focus for the first lesson was vocabulary so we worked in teams to make our glossaries.

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There was a Roman invasion in year 3 as part of our Roman History topic.

The children got to dress up as Romans and take part in lots of different activities that people back in the Roman times would have done.


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