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Year 1


Please click here to view the Curriculum meeting powerpoint for your class. 


See what we will be getting up to in this term by taking a look at our coverage document below. 
Coverage Spring term 

In Maths children will be assessed against criteria based upon age related expectations. Please find below the age related expectations for a child in Year 1. For more information click here.

The Year 1 Learner - Maths

The Year 1 Reader

The Year 1 Writer

Spelling Expectations: Year 1 Common Exception Words

Year 1 Blog - Autumn 2024


Wow, what a fabulous few weeks it's been for our Year 1 classes!  As everyone settles back into the routine after the summer holidays, we've been thrilled to hear about all the exciting activities they've been up to. Even making a  Minion out of recycled materials.

In English, we've been exploring the delightful story of Lubna and Pebble. The children have really engaged with the tale, thinking deeply about who they would gift their own pebble to. They've crafted lovely homes for their pebbles and also written informative labels to describe them. Plus, they've enjoyed the challenge of ordering the story, which has sparked some great discussions.

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Maths has been equally fun, with children busy matching numbers to the correct quantities and discovering one more and one less than a given number. They’ve also been sorting various objects, which is a fantastic way to boost their understanding of relationships between numbers.

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In Design and Technology, we’ve introduced sliders and levers, and during our Continuous Provision time, many children have taken the opportunity to create their own fantastic mechanisms.

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