Year 5 Residential Trip to Celtic Harmony Camp

9th Jun 2025 - 10th Jun 2025 09:45 - 14:30 Celtic Harmony Camp

Year 5 Residential Trip Monday 9th June 2025 – Tuesday 10th June 2025

We are delighted to announce that we have booked Celtic Harmony Camp in Brickendon, Hertford for the Year 5 residential trip next academic year.

The trip ran this year for the first time, and it was a tremendous success with the children being able to explore a wide range of activities during the day and experience the excitement of sleeping in roundhouses at night! At Flamstead End we believe that it is of crucial importance to allow the children to develop resilience and independence, through these kinds of experiences and to have the opportunity to create lifelong magical memories.

The cost of the trip is £195 per child which covers the following:

· Full Board accommodation (Parents will need to provide a packed lunch from home on day of arrival)

· Adventure activities with instruction, supervision and equipment.

· Varied evening entertainment programme

· Shared accommodation (numbers may vary)

 · Travel insurance

· Minimal gratuities

Details (primarily on accommodation, facilities and activities) about Celtic Harmony Camp Prehistory Explorer Residential can be found on the website below:

To keep costs to a minimum, we have decided not to book a coach, given the distance of Celtic Harmony Camp from school. We will kindly be asking for parents to drop off children at the site on Monday 9th June at 9.45am and collect on Tuesday 10th June at 2.30pm.

If you have any queries or need help reaching the camp, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Payment demand at Celtic Harmony Camp for June 2025 is high, as it is the most popular time. To secure a place for your child, a non-refundable deposit payment of £50.00 is required no later than 1st September 2024.

Please find below a suggested payment plan, however, you may make full payment or additional payments at any time via Arbor although no later than:

 2nd Payment of £ 50.00 by 1st October 2024

3rd Payment of £50.00 by 1st November 2024

4th and Final Payment of £45.00 by 1st February 2025

All payments must be paid via Arbor and by the due dates to ensure the school can forward the required payments to Celtic Harmony, to meet the contract requirements. The payments are non-refundable as at each of the above dates.

Please note your child’s place will be at risk if you do not pay by the above dates.

Children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium will receive a £25 reduction. If you believe you may be in receipt of Pupil Premium and have not previously made the school aware, please contact the office.

Should you need the name of an educational charity that may be able to assist financially in the case of hardship, please email or telephone to speak with Mrs Spicer in the school office.

For children where a deposit has not been paid or a parent/carer has not spoken with the School Office by 1st September 2024, we will presume a place is not required.

We will host an information session for parents and carers to attend on 19th May at 3pm in the KS2 hall, please make a note of this date.

Kind regards,

The Year 5 Teachers