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- Year 1 trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park
Year 1 trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park
As part of the science curriculum, we have planned a trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park on Monday 16th June 2025. We will be leaving school at 9:15 a.m. and should return by 3:20 p.m.
In order for this trip to take place, we need to ask for a contribution of £21.00 per child. This will cover the cost of entrance to the Wildlife park and transport. Children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium will receive a 25% reduction. If you believe you may be in receipt of Pupil Premium and have not previously made the school aware, please contact the office.
Payment should be made on Arbor under the ‘Year 1 Shepreth Wildlife Park’ item by Wednesday 2nd April 2025. If we do not receive sufficient contributions by this date the trip may not be able to go ahead and will be cancelled.
Children will need to wear their school uniform with sensible shoes or trainers and depending on the weather they should have sunscreen applied before coming to school and bring a sun hat or waterproof coat as appropriate.
Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle with them that can be refilled during the day. They will also need a packed lunch and we would be grateful if you could ensure that this is disposable, and it doesn’t contain sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks. Aspens Services are happy to provide packed lunches for children, which will consist of a sandwich (cheese, tuna, or ham), vegetable sticks, fruit, and a cookie. If your child requires a school packed lunch, please complete and submit your request here no later than Wednesday 2nd April 2025.