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Our intent for English 

At Flamstead End, it is our belief that the reading, writing and communicating of the English language are essential parts of everyday life. As such, the teaching of English takes a high priority in our curriculum and is at the heart of all aspects of school life.

At our school, we aim to deliver a broad, yet balanced English curriculum, giving children access to a wide variety of engaging and inspiring texts. Through doing this, in addition to providing the children with high-quality teaching, we believe that children are given the opportunity to develop culturally, emotionally and socially. It is our belief that this style of curriculum gives children the best chance to succeed in the world outside of school.  


English at Flamstead End complies with the expectations of the National Curriculum 2014. Phonics is delivered via the Read Write Inc. programme from Reception to Year 2. English lessons are taught using a range of high quality engaging texts as stimuli for writing. There is a strong emphasis on developing spoken language skills throughout the school. 

Foundation Stage Reading:

This is where the journey begins for our children. We introduce them to single sounds within the first half term and begin to blend simple words. We follow a programme called Read Write Inc. and believe that it enables all children to learn to read and write. Children are introduced to Fred the frog who only speaks in sounds and he supports the children throughout their reading journey.

Foundation stage Writing:

This follows a very similar pattern to reading. As children learn new sounds they are introduced to a handwriting phrase which assists in letter formation. Children begin to write single letters and simple words and throughout Reception this extends to simple sentences. Fred the frog is always there to support them on their journey.

Key stage 1 Reading:

Our children now have a solid foundation from Reception and are able to read simple sentences. Within Key stage 1 we encourage them to find their “storyteller voices” and use expression as they read. They are now reading with pace and this enables them to develop a real enjoyment of reading. We encourage them to read outside of the classroom as well as working with partners to share books within Read Write Inc.

To encourage their reading for pleasure, we celebrate a diversity of authors with the monthly 'author of the month' assembly and library displays.

Key Stage 1 Writing:

Children take part in daily English lessons based around high quality texts. Through teacher modelling in these lessons, they develop their independent writing skills. They understand how to create sentences and begin to put these together into longer texts in a range of genres. Children begin to edit their work and share it with their partner to make adaptations and improve their writing. Children build upon the handwriting phrases they have learnt in Reception by beginning to use cursive writing.

Key Stage 2 Reading:

Reading forms a large part of what we do at Flamstead End. Our library has recently been revamped and is full of a fantastic selection of high-quality reading resources. Whilst we do encourage a love of reading at our school, we also foster the idea that reading is just a normal part of everyday life – that it is not just a treat, but a usual everyday activity. 

In class, children take part in guided reading sessions. These sessions allow for shared reading, the development of comprehension skills and book-related discussions. Reading lessons are also a normal part of our ‘everyday’ curriculum, with many lessons allowing for children to develop their reading skills in a variety of contexts. Our Y6 librarians help out in our KS2 library, as well as regularly reading to the KS1 children in their library at lunchtime. 

Reading river

To encourage their reading for pleasure, we celebrate a diversity of authors with the monthly 'author of the month' assembly and library displays. Pupils are encouraged to express and share the authors that they enjoy and have even presented some of the author of the month assemblies themselves.

Key Stage 2 Writing:

At Flamstead End, we encourage children to think of themselves as authors. It is our belief that doing so helps to create a culture of creativity, in which children can take pride and pleasure in their work.  Pupils are given access to an abundance of high quality, engaging texts. They are taught to analyse these, then plan, draft, edit, improve and perform their work, much like real-life authors. We want the children to not only take pride in their writing outcome, but enjoy the process of producing it.


story map

Jack and the Beanstalk - creating our own story 2

Retelling traditional tales in Nursery 


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Book swap on World Book Day 2024


Potato book character competition

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Shared reading across the Key Stages 

Author visit nf

Author Nizrana Farook visited Flamstead End to share her stories and tell the children about her work as an author

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Year 5 Monsterology unit - published work 


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Book swap - Children bring in their pre-loved books and choose their next adventure.

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Writing pace planners



Age-related Expectations in English