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Our intent for Mathematics

At Flamstead End School, all staff strive to ensure that each child has access to highly-engaging and creative lessons with each of the aims of the National Curriculum and Early Years Curriculum in mind. Moreover, we will endeavour to ensure that our wonderful learners have reflective and regular opportunities to develop themselves as mathematicians – in a wide-range of contexts. 

Implementation in KS1 and 2:

Our  maths curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 adopts a Maths Mastery approach, which allows all children to be confident and competent in Maths.

What an average 'Mastery Mathematics' lesson looks like at Flamstead End:

  • Pupils have concepts broken down into small steps which are accessible to all and the ‘concrete, pictorial, abstract’ approach is used in teaching. This approach allows the children to ‘see’ the Maths, reason with it and develop independence in lessons. Concrete manipulatives are available and encouraged for learners of all ages and prior attainment levels. 
  • Pupils become fluent with the fundamentals of Mathematics, developing this over time to build a mathematical toolkit capable of tackling any problem. They will learn and perfect the required skillset and methods for their age bracket as well as understanding and appreciating all the technical vocabulary which is required to enhance their learning.   
  • Pupils demonstrate effective mathematical ‘reasoning skills’ by following a line of enquiry. Through this, learners will work independently as well as in groups and gain self-confidence to support the building of arguments and justifications for their own opinions. 
  • Pupils have plentiful opportunities to solve problems in a range of contexts, by applying knowledge of Mathematics to a variety of problems – both in and out of the classroom. This will allow children to develop a growth mindset and a ‘can do’ attitude. 
  • Pupils become secure in their age-related expectations, naturally through the school, and flourish in the opportunity to achieve a greater depth standard. Our mastery approach will allow our students to acquire a more flexible, broad and secure understanding of the subject.  Children have access to high quality and immediate feedback throughout the lesson as the teacher carries out ‘live marking’, allowing for any misconceptions to be addressed or extra challenge to be implemented.
  • Pupils make links with the ‘real world’ as well as other areas within Mathematics. Furthermore, all learners will adopt the Core Values of our school within the Mathematics curriculum, appreciating and embracing the fact that Mathematics is more than just an hour’s lesson per day and is a constant throughout everyday school life.  

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Implementation in EYFS:

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), our aim is to foster a love for mathematics through engaging, playful, and meaningful experiences. We aim to provide all children with a solid foundation in mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary. Our curriculum is designed to:

  • Promote Number Sense: Develop children's understanding of numbers through counting, recognising, and representing quantities.
  • Encourage Problem-Solving: Support children in applying mathematical concepts to real-life situations, encouraging them to think critically and creatively.
  • Cultivate Mathematical Language: Instil confidence in children to articulate their mathematical thinking using appropriate vocabulary.
  • Embed Mathematical Concepts: Provide opportunities for children to explore and understand shapes, patterns, measurements, and data through hands-on activities.
  • Foster an Inclusive Environment: Ensure every child, regardless of their background or needs, has access to high-quality mathematical learning experiences that challenge and inspire them.

We implement an enriching Mathematics curriculum through the following strategies:

  • Play-Based Learning: We utilise structured and free play to create opportunities for mathematical exploration.
  • Daily Routines: Everyday activities include counting, sorting, and measuring, seamlessly integrating mathematics into children’s daily experiences.
  • Hands-On Resources: We provide a variety of concrete resources, such as counting beads, shape sorters, and measuring tools, to build children's understanding through tactile experiences.
  • Rich Mathematical Environment: Our classrooms are equipped with mathematical displays and visual aids that reflect children's work and mathematical language.
  • Targeted Interventions: We employ ongoing formative assessments to identify children's individual needs and plan targeted interventions.
  • Integration with Other Areas of Learning: Mathematics is not only taught in isolation; it is integrated across the curriculum, including literacy, science, and the arts.

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Curriculum and Policies

Here at Flamstead End School, we care deeply about the curriculum that we have implemented for all pupils. For further inforation, please click on each of attachment to view the useful information

Our designed curriculum for all children in KS1 and KS2:


Progression Document

This section will explain how specific concepts, e.g. place value, progresses throughout the years from year 1 to Year 6.


Our calculation policies - in conjunction with White Rose Maths:



Expectation by year group

Expectation by year group

In maths children will be assessed against criteria based upon age related expectations. Please find below the age-related expectations for a child in each year group. The documents set out what a child in each Year group will be expected to know by the end of the year. A brief explanation of skills and activities for each of the four strands (number, measurement, geometry and statistics) is also provided.







Parent Information / Support

At Flamstead End School, we actively wish to involve our wonderful parents and carers with our pupils' curriculum. This section will provide you with plenty of information on our vision for maths as well as opportunities to enhance your understanding of what maths looks like at Flamstead End. 

Maths with Michael

Maths with Michael | Michael Underwood | White Rose Maths (whiteroseeducation.com)

Maths may look very different to how it was taught in the past. The website link above will take you to White Rose Math's website - specifically to a page containing a bank of videos which explains the differences of how maths is taught today. There are further videos that help to explain specific contexts, including place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and algebra.

Maths Mastery - Parent Sessions

In the Autumn Term, both Mr Woodhouse and Mrs Forrester delivered a session to parents to explain how maths is taught at Flamstead End School, specifically through the methods of mastery. Please press the relevant link below to view the session slides for yourself.


KS1-Resources.pdf (these resources were shared in Mrs Forrester's session)


Please click here to view the Rising Stars Vocabulary document, showing all the key vocabulary for each unit of work in each year group. 


Parent Workbooks

White Rose Maths have produced a range of workbooks that are free to download and use at home, to support your child's learning. This will provide you with an insight into how maths lessons look like in school. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, the documents are there. Each topic covered, for each year group, will have a corresponding work book.

Parent resources | Maths workbooks | White Rose Maths (whiteroseeducation.com)


Useful apps / websites

Why not download this FREE Maths app on Google Play, the App Store or amazon kindle? White Rose have created a new 1-Minute Maths app to help children build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!

1 minute maths - White Rose New 1 Minute Maths App

TTRockstars - https://play.ttrockstars.com/

Hit The Button - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

My Maths - School login - MyMaths


Year 6 Arithmetic Skills - Video Tutorials!

Please look at this section for any further information that could be helpful for you! Along with an introductory video, which explains how the Year 6 SATS Arithmetic paper is structured, there are videos pertaining to:

- Column method addition and subtraction

- Adding and Subtrcating Fractions

- Formal short and long methods for multiplication and division.

Addition and Subtraction - Column Method:


Addition and Subtraction - Fractions:

Formal Multiplication and Division:




NSPCC Number Day

Did you know we raised over £550 on NSPCC World Number Day 2024!!

A massive congratulations to all children who contributed, by either donating money ... or cakes! 

Throughout the day, children from all year groups participated in a range of fun, exciting mathematical games and activities!

What a hat!

T-shirt of the day!

Another classic!